Makeshift Hanukkah

Ach – I forgot to post pictures of our little Hanukkah celebration.

Zondra, Michelle, me and Isaac with the makeshift menorah

Improvisation under necessity: M&Ms for coins, and a dreidel
fabricated from an empty bobbin, sawed-off pencil end, and
strapping tape. Worked remarkably well.

And since I last posted, Beth mentioned that she recalled last seeing the station menorah tucked into the top drawer of the area director’s filing cabinet. Katie helped me raid Martin’s office, and – behold! – we’ve now got the whole shebang: menorah, candles and real plastic dreidels. Almost feels like we should have found it on the eighth night, though…

3 responses to “Makeshift Hanukkah

  1. Okay, you've gotta get your boss in one of the Hanukkah pictures. With an email address/username such as his, he has got to have honorary jewish status of some kind. :)


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